How do I use this website?
This website gives you guided programs to improve your ear-training skills. It contains a variety of exercises including interval training, chord training, scale training, melodic dictation, and harmonic dictation. Scroll down to access these programs. You can select your desired program—each labelled with suggested time commitment and difficulty level—and follow through the scheduled program.
If you want more training, feel free to check out the customizable options where you can choose which musical elements you want to train.
Why is ear-training important?
Ear-training is for everyone interested in music! It allows you to better understand the things you hear and convey your ideas more accurately when composing. By extension, ear-training will help you build other musical skills such as improvisation.
Click above to access the guided programs.
Special thanks to
Project advisor and mentor: Dr. Derek Jacoby, Instructor in Music at Phillips Academy